Garbha Pindasana (foetus in the womb pose)
Sit in padmasana. insert an arm between the thigh and calf of each leg and bend the elbows under the calves. Fold the arms upward and raise the legs. Hold the ears, balancing the whole body on the coccyx. The eyes may be open or closed. Maintain the final position for as long as is comfortable. Let go of the ears, lower the legs and slowly release the arms from the legs. Cross the legs the other way around and repeat the pose.
This asana may also be performed lying on the back. Breathing: Exhale while bringing the hands to the ears.
Breathe normally in the final position. In the final position the breath will be shallow because the
stomach and lungs are compressed. Awareness: Physical - on maintaining balance or on the breath.
Spiritual - on manipura chakra. Benefits: Has a regulating effect on the adrenal glands and
calms an excited mind. It helps alleviate nervous disorders generally while those who experience uncontrollable anger may practise it throughout the day. It massages and tones the abdominal organs, stimulates the digestive fire and increases the appetite. It also develops the sense of balance.
Note: Also called utthankoormasana, the stretching tortoise pose.