Tolangulasana (weighing scale pose)
Sit in padmasana. Slowly and carefully lower the back to the floor, using the hands and elbows to assist the movement. Place the palms of the hands underneath the buttocks. Raise the trunk and legs so that the whole body is supported only on the buttocks and forearms. Perform jalandhara bandha. Advanced practitioners may also practise moola bandha (see section on bandhas for these practices). Remain in the final position for a comfortable period of time without straining. Slowly lower the body to the floor.
Repeat up to 5 times. Breathing: Inhale in the raised position and retain the breath
while doing jalandhara bandha. Do not retain the breath for longer than is comfortable. Release jalandhara bandha and exhale while returning to
the starting position. Awareness: Physical - on retention of the breath.
Spiritual - on vishuddhi chakra. Benefits: This asana tones the abdominal organs and strength
ens the shoulders, back and neck. It opens and develops the chest, induces a state of relaxation and removes excess weight.