Hold the back s Remain in the final position for as long as is comfortable. Return to the floor and slowly release the arms, hands and legs.
Change the leg position and repeat the pose. Breathing: Exhale while raising the body.
Breathe normally in the final position.
Exhale while lowering. Awareness: Physical - on the breath in the nostrils or on
maintaining balance.
Spiritual - on mooladhara chakra. Benefits: This posture strengthens the arm and shoulder
muscles and stretches the chest. It loosens up the legs and develops a sense of balance and stability. It is used in the process of kundalini awakening due to the stimulation of
mooladhara chakra. Practice note: The arms and wrists must be strong enough to
support the body. People with a lot of hair on their legs may find it difficult and painful to insert the arms between the thighs and calves. If oil is applied to the legs or the legs are shaved this will ease the problem. Those with a lot of fat or muscle on the legs will also have difficulty.