Breathing: Inhale before lifting the body off the floor.
Retain the breath inside while raising and swinging backward and forward.
Exhale on returning to the floor. Duration: Practise 3 to 5 rounds. Awareness: Physical - on the breath, movement and balance.
Spiritual - on anahata chakra. Benefits: The arms, wrists, shoulders and abdominal muscles
are strengthened and the chest is opened. It generates control, coordination and dexterity. It is an excellent preparatory practice for tadan kriya.
Kukkutasana (cockerel pose)
Sit in padmasana. Insert the hands between the calves and thighs, near the knees. Gradually push the arms through the legs up to the elbows. Place the palms of the hands firmly on the floor with the fingers pointing forward. Keeping the head straight and the eyes fixed on a point in front, raise the body from the floor, balancing only on the hands.