arms in line with each other. Turn the left palm forward. Look up at the left hand in the final position.
Return to the upright position with the arms in a straight line.
Repeat on the opposite side, bending the left knee slightly. This completes one round.
Practise 5 rounds.
Variation 2: Repeat the basic form, but instead of keeping the upper arm vertical in the final position, lower it over the ear until it is parallel to the floor with the palm facing down. Try not to bend forward but to keep the body in one vertical plane. Look up at the left hand. Slowly return to the starting position. Repeat on the left side.
Breathing: Inhale while raising the arms. Exhale while bending. Hold the breath for a few seconds in the final position. Inhale while raising the body to the vertical position. Practice note: When this asana can be performed easily, repeat the practice keeping both legs straight.
Variation 3: Stand with the feet one metre apart and the toes
facing forward. Gaze directly in front.
Place the palms of the hands on each side of the waist with the fingers pointing downward.