Breathing out, slowly bend to the right from the hips while sliding the right hand down along the outside of the right thigh as far as is comfortable. Do not strain and do not bend forward in an effort to achieve the final position in which the right hand reaches the foot. Flexibility will come with practice. Stay in the final position for a few seconds, holding the breath. Raise the trunk to the upright position while breathing in, and return the right hand to the waist. Repeat on the left side to complete one round. Practise 3 to 5 rounds.
Variation 4: Stand erect with the feet about a metre apart.
While breathing in, raise the arms sideways to shoulder level. This is the starting position. While breathing out, bend forward. Twist the trunk to the left, bringing the right hand to the left foot. The left arm should be outstretched vertically so that both arms form a straight line. Look up at the left hand.