The arms act as a lever and accentuate the stretch given to the shoulders and chest. Look forward as far as possible, so that the face is parallel with the floor. Remain in the final position for a short time and return to the upright position. Relax the arms.
Repeat up to 5 times. Breathing: Inhale while standing erect and when returning to
the upright position.
Exhale while bending forward. Awareness: Physical - on the stretch of the arms, shoulders
and upper back.
Spiritual - on anahata chakra. Contra-indications: In acute or painful conditions of the shoul
der joints this asana should be avoided. Benefits: This asana strengthens the intraspinatus muscles,
between the upper spine and the shoulder blades, and develops the chest and neck. It is especially good for
young, growing bodies. Practice note: For a variation of this practice, interlock the
fingers and turn the palms of the hands outwards. Note: The Sanskrit word dwi means 'two' and kona means 'angle'.
Therefore, this is the 'double angle' pose.