Stage 2: Bend the knees and descend about half a metre. Again return to the upright position.
Stage 3: Bend the knees and lower the buttocks until the hands are about 30 cm above the floor and then rise again. Stage 4: Finally, lower the buttocks until the hands rest on or as near as possible to the floor.
Keep the arms and shoulders loose and avoid bending forward.
Stay in the final position for a few seconds. Then return to the upright position and relax the body.
Breathing: Exhale while lowering the body.
Inhale while raising the body. Contra-indications: Not to be practised by women suffering from prolapse of the uterus.
After the first three months of pregnancy practise only the first 3 stages.
Benefits: This asana strengthens the muscles of the middle of the back, the pelvis and the uterus, and also the thighs, knees and ankles.
It boosts the circulation of prana in the body.