Druta Utkatasana (dynamic
energy pose) Stand erect with both the feet together and facing forward. Place the palms together in front of the chest. While inhaling, raise and straighten the arms above the head. While breathing out, slowly lower the body, bending the knees. Keep the feet and knees together throughout the
practice. Stage I: Lower the body down about 30 cm.
Straighten the legs and return to the upright position. Stage 2: Repeat the practice, lowering the body about half a
metre before returning to the upright position. Stage 3: Finally, lower the body until the buttocks rest on the
floor. Inhale, raising to the upright position. Breathing: Exhale while lowering the body.
Inhale while raising the body. Contra-indications: As for utthanasana. Benefits: The muscles of the back and legs are strengthened.
Regular practice of this asana will prevent the occurrence of sciatica and slipped disc and will alleviate backache.
Persons doing a lot of sitting may practise it daily. Practice note: This asana stretches the ankles, knees and thighs.
At first, therefore, it may be necessary to come onto the toes when squatting until the Achilles tendons have become more flexible.