Breathing: Inhale when raising the arms and while raising the
body to the upright position. Retain the breath inside while twisting.
Exhale when bending forwards and lowering the arms. Contra-indications: People with stiff backs or backache should
avoid this asana. Benefits: This asana stretches the spine, tones the back muscles
and redistributes excess weight from the waistline.
Utthanasana (squat and rise pose)
Stand erect with the feet about one metre apart. Turn the toes out to the sides where they remain throughout the practice. Interlock the fingers of both hands and let them hang
loosely in front of the body. Stage I: Slowly bend the knees and lower the buttocks about
20 cm. The knees should bend outward over the toes and the spine should be straight. Straighten the knees and return to the upright position.