Duration: Practise up to 3 times as a dynamic asana.
Hold the final position up to 3 minutes as a static pose. Awareness: Physical - on the abdomen, throat, spine or natural
Spiritual - on swadhisthana or vishuddhi chakra. Sequence: It is important that this asana is followed by any
forward bending asana, such as paschimottanasana, to release any tension in the back. The most convenient counterpose is shashankasana since it may be performed immediately from vajrasana without unnecessary body
movement. Contra-indications: People with severe back ailments such as
lumbago should not attempt this asana without expert guidance. Those suffering from enlarged thyroid should
also take care. Benefits: This asana is beneficial for the digestive and repro
ductive systems. It stretches the stomach and intestines, alleviating constipation. The backward bend loosens up the vertebrae and stimulates the spinal nerves, relieving backache, lumbago, rounded back and drooping shoulders. The front of the neck is fully stretched, toning the
organs in this region and regulating the thyroid gland. Practice note: To accentuate the asana, the right heel may be
grasped with the left hand and the left heel with the right hand. To begin with this asana may be practised with the balls of the feet on the floor.