Ushtrasana (camel pose)
Sit in vajrasana. Stand on the knees with the arms at the sides. The knees and feet should be together but may be separated if this is more comfortable. Lean backward, slowly reaching for the right heel with the right hand and then the left heel with the left hand. Do not strain. Push the abdomen forward, trying to keep the thighs vertical, and bend the head and spine backward as far as possible. Try to relax the whole body, especially the back muscles, into the stretch. The weight of the body should be evenly supported by the legs and arms. The arms should anchor the shoulders to maintain the arch of the back. Remain in the final position for as long as is comfortable. Return to the starting position by slowly releasing the
hands from the heels one at a time. Breathing: Normal in the final position. Do not try to breathe
deeply because the chest is already stretched.