Supta Vajrasana (sleeping thunderbolt pose)
Sit in vajrasana. Slowly bend back, taking the support of first the right elbow and arm and then the left. Bring the top of the head to the ground, arching the back. Place the hands on the thighs. Try to keep the knees in contact with the floor. If necessary, separate the knees. Care should be taken not to strain the muscles and ligaments of the thighs and knees by forcing the knees to touch the ground in the final position. Close the eyes and relax the body. Breathe deeply and slowly in the final position. Return to the starting position in the reverse order, breathing in and taking the support of the elbows and arms. Never leave the final position by straightening the legs first; this may dislocate the knee joints.
Return to vajrasana first and then straighten the legs. Breathing: Deep and slow. Duration: For physical benefits, up to one minute is sufficient.
For spiritual benefits, practise for longer periods. Beginners should start with only a few seconds in the final
position, increasing the duration slowly. Awareness: Physical - on the lower back, abdomen or breath.
Spiritual - on swadhisthana, anahata or vishuddhi chakra. Sequence: Follow supta vajrasana with a forward bending asana. Contra-indications: This posture should not be practised by
people suffering from sciatica, slipped disc, sacral ailments or knee complaints.