Bhadrasana (gracious pose)
Sit in vajrasana. Separate the knees as far as possible, while keeping the toes in contact with the floor. Separate the feet just enough to allow the buttocks and perineum to rest flat on the floor between the feet. Try to separate the knees further but do not strain. Place the hands on the knees, palms downward. When the body is comfortable, practise nasikagra drishti, concentration on the nose tip. As the eyes become tired, close them for a short time and then resume nose tip
gazing. Breathing: Slow and rhythmic with awareness of the breath at
the nose tip. Duration: For extended periods of time if performed for
spiritual aims. A few minutes daily is sufficient to loosen up the legs.
If any strain is experienced, stop the asana. Awareness: Physical - on the natural breath or the nose tip.
Spiritual - on mooladhara chakra. Benefits: This is predominantly a pose for spiritual aspirants
as it has a stimulating influence on mooladhara chakra. It