is an excellent meditation pose. The benefits are basically
the same as for vajrasana. Practice note: If necessary, a folded blanket may be placed
under the buttocks. Whether a blanket is used or not, it is important that the buttocks rest firmly on the ground in order to stimulate mooladhara chakra.
Simhagarjanasana (roaring lion pose)
Sit in vajrasana with the knees about 45 cm apart. If possible, face the sun. Place the palms of the hands on the floor between the knees, with the fingers pointing towards the body. Lean forward, resting the body on the straight arms. Arch the back and gently tilt the head back so that there is a comfortable amount of tension in the neck. Open the eyes and gaze at the eyebrow centre, adopting shambhavi mudra (refer to section on mudra). Relax the whole body. Keep the mouth closed.