The point between the thumb and first finger should be firmly pressed.
Close the eyes and become aware of the breathing process. Breathing: Slow, deep and rhythmical. Practise until the flow
of breath in both nostrils becomes equalised. Duration: To prepare for pranayama, practise for 5 to 10
minutes. For spiritual purposes, practise for extended periods of
time. Awareness: Physical - on the breathing process in the nose.
Spiritual - on ajna chakra. Practice note: Padadhirasana may be used as a preparation
for pranayama. It is specially useful when one or both nostrils are blocked. If only one nostril is blocked, or partially blocked, place the hand of that side underneath the opposite armpit. Maintain the pressure for a minute or two, although
changes may sometimes occur within a few seconds. Variation I: For a stronger effect, make fists of the hands and
place them under the armpits. Variation 2: Yoga Danda (balancing stick)
The yoga danda is a special T-shaped stick traditionally used by yogis as an aid to meditation. The horizontal beam rests firmly under and supports the armpit with the bottom of the vertical stick on the ground. When the breath flow is equalised, the danda may be placed in front of the body. Both elbows may be rested on the horizontal beam with the arms folded or in any other position. The yoga danda may be used for long periods of time without
the arms becoming tired. Benefits: The pressure under both the armpits helps to open
the nostrils to facilitate the practice of pranayama. Since the breath flow in the right and left nostrils influences the activities of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems respectively, opening of the two nostrils induces a state of autonomic balance.