Awareness: Physical - in the early stages of the practice,
awareness should be on the breathing process. When sufficient relaxation has been achieved, awareness may be transferred to the eyebrow centre.
Spiritual - on ajna chakra. Benefits: This asana is used primarily to awaken ajna chakra.
It also calms the mind, relaxes the nervous system and gives all the benefits of vajrasana.
Note: The thumbs may press any points on the soles according to
specific effects required in the body. For exact details, seek the advice of someone with knowledge of either acupuncture or reflexology. Ananda madirasana may also be performed as an alternative to classical meditation postures.
Padadhirasana (breath balancing pose)
Sit in vajrasana. Cross the arms in front of the chest, placing the hands under the opposite armpits with the thumbs pointing upward.