I feel like a living wonder of the 21st century on this earth. I woke up in the city of Boston, in a warm house. Outside the temperature is about 18 degrees Fahrenheit and white snow covers the grounds. I freshen up, pick up the phone and dial.
I could hear an hour-long lecture by Pujya gyani pandit "Yugal Kishore Ji" of Kota, Rajasthan, India. He spoke on the greatest shashtra of Jain darshan available today: "Shree Samaysar." He was explaining gatha 100 from the chapter "Karta Karm Adhikar." I felt as heavenly as I could.
This adhikar challenges a deep belief of being able to help or do for others. Gatha 100 explains how a human being has suffered for ages by always thinking, doing, speaking, and thus living for others and not for one's own ever-free blissful soul. Most of us do not even hear the word soul in the whole day; forget a lecture on pure soul. I am blessed with an entire lecture every day.
Thus I am ever indebted to and grateful to Jain darshan, our acharyas, our gurus, our pandits and gyanis, and groups who are doing their best to propagate this invaluable knowledge. These lectures and my study of shashtras have evoked an unshakable desire in me to see, search, learn, enjoy, observe, immerse, and celebrate my own soul.