નદીયાંગહરીનાવ પુરાની, કિસવિધ પાર તુંહોવેરે, કહત કબીરા, સુનો ભાઈ સાધો, વ્યાજ ધોખે મૂળમતખોવેરે
Today we and the immediate family have to put effort into remembering the eternal and take solace in the eternal. Our own eternal Soul is the only boat which takes us far from these worldly sorrows and reminds us of our own bliss and purity.
This is not an easy, but a great path. It is a path that takes us to our own base and not appearances only. It is a path that is divine and we can all do it with each other's help, togetherness, and strength from the eternal.