When I Get Dirty
When I get dirty, oily, or sweaty, I feel dirty. But deep within, I believe that a shower with clean water and a little soap will do. No need to scratch the dirt away. I can get clean, feel clean as if I never even got dirty.
Can my pure, blissful, peaceful soul be dirty? It appears to be dirty temporarily, but is and can be felt pure and blissful. Just as dirt and this body are different from each other, the body and the soul are different from each other.
Can my soul be rich, poor, greedy, angry? Could this be just like dirt on the body? It may make me feel sad, happy or unhappy temporarily, but always is different from the soul. Soul always remains pure, blissful, peaceful.
Right knowledge of the Soul and this changing world is the clean water and soap. Right knowledge helps me differentiate the Soul from my current circumstances. Helps me differentiate ephemeral feelings from eternal feelings generated by the soul.
My family house, my great grand-father also lived in, is quite old. Every year for generations on Diwali we apply white clay on the brick walls, and they shine. Till today the clay has remained as clay and wall is wall. Don't be fooled by the brightness of the shine, the dirt remains within.