चतुर्थं लक्षणम्
साध्याभावाधिकरणताया व्यापकत्वाद्४१ द्रव्यं सत्त्वादित्यादावतिव्याप्तिः। तद्वन्निष्ठान्योन्याभावप्रतियोगितानवच्छेदकत्वं व्यापकत्वमित्युक्तौ तु निघूमत्ववान् निर्वह्नित्वादित्यादावव्याप्तिः निर्वह्नित्वाभावानां
that which is to be established. 41 By the state as-the state of being pervader a non-determinant of the counter-positive-ness of the mutual absence which exists in that which has that, there would be a fault of too narrow application in the inference; 'this has the absence of smoke because of the absence of fire.' This is because all absences of absence of fire in the form of fire, are determinant of the mutual counter-positive-ness of the absence existing in that which is the substratum of substratumness or the absence of the absence of smoke by the way of a
41. f16 THE2T4191fETOA UTAPAT 24140calc-The absence of existence is
pervader of the locusness of the absence of sādhya. This is because the absence which exists in the substratum of substanceness quality etc., is not the absence of knowable but the absence of jar etc., the determinant of the counter-positive-ness of the absence is not knowability. That knowability exists in the absence of existence, hence the absence of existence is the pervader of locusness of the absence of sādhya. The counter-positive-ness of which is indicated by such and absence which is determined by the relation of inherence exists in the generic attribute existence. The determinant of the counter-positive-ness is the state of being existence which is the determinant of the state of being valid reason. That determinant exists in the existence, therefore there is a fault of over-extension, this is the meaning.