वह्निव्यक्तीनां सर्वासामेव चालनीयन्यायेन ४२ निर्धूमत्वाभावाधिकरणतावन्निष्ठान्योन्याभावप्रतियोगितावच्छेदकत्वादिति वाच्यम् । तादृशाधिकरणताया व्यापकतावच्छेदकं हेतुतावच्छेदकसम्बन्धावच्छिन्नयद्धर्मावच्छिन्नाभावत्वं तद्धर्मवत्त्वस्य विवक्षितत्वात् ४३ ।
filter action42 because the state of having that attribute which is the state of being absence which is determined by a particular attribute and determined by the relation which is a determinant of the state of being a reason, and which is a determinant of the state of being a pervasive, of such a substratum-ness, is to be mentioned.43
42. चालनीयन्यायेन - The mutual absence which exists in the mountain which is the substratum of smoke, is the mutual absence of that which has the absence of fire of kitchen, the counter-positive-ness of the absence exists in the hill the determinant of that counterpositive-ness is fire of kitchen. The pervader is not the absence of the absence of fire. Therefore there is fault of too narrow application.
43. faaf-The determinant of pervaderness of the locus-ness of smoke which exists in the mountain, is the state of being absence determined by which particular attribute is the state of being absence of the absence of fire, counter-positive-ness of which exists in the absence of fire and which is determined by the selfsome relation, that attribute exists in the absence of fire which is reason. The absence of which, exists in the mountain is the absence of jar and not the absence of the absence of fire. The determinant of that counter-positive-ness is fire-ness non-determinant is the state of being absence of the absence of fire that is determinant of pervaderness.