प्रथमं लक्षणम्
साध्याभावत्वविशिष्टनिरूपितयथोक्तसम्बन्धावच्छिन्नाधिकरणतात्मकत्वमिति विशेषणविशेष्यभावव्यत्यासे तात्पर्यम्२९, स्वपदं हेतुपरम् । इत्थञ्च
that which is to be established and which does not exist in that substratum-hood of that which is not determined by any attribute, and which exists in the locus of substratum-hood of itself which is determined by that which determines the state of being reason and determined by the relation which determines the state of being reason. This is intention29 by the change of qualifier and qualified relationship. The term 'self denotes reason. In this way there is no fault of too narrow application even in the inferences; “this has the absence of the conjunction with monkey because of existence', 'this is different from that
29. arueft-Intention. “The locusness of reason which is determined by
determinant of reason-hood, and which is determined by the relation of determinant of reasonhood, existing in the locus of such locusness of the reason, the locus-ness which is not determined by any attribute, non-existing in that locus-ness which exists in the locus which is indicated by the state of being indication, and which is determined by the relation which determines the counter-positiveness of the sādhya in general, and which counter-positive-ness exists in the absence of sādhya and which (counter-positiveness) is determined by the state of being absence of sādhya, counter-positiveness of which is determined by the determinant of state of being of sādhya and which is determined by the relation which determines the state of being sādhya, to be belonging of reason of that locusnessness” is the definition of vyāpti according to some authors.