विशेषणताविशेषसम्बन्धेन यथोक्तसम्बन्धेन वा निरवच्छिन्नाधिकरणता तदाश्रयव्यक्त्यवर्त्तमानं हेतुतावच्छेदकसम्बन्धावच्छिन्नद्धर्मावच्छिन्नाधिकरणत्वसामान्यं तद्धर्मवत्त्वं विवक्षितम् । धूमवान् वह्नेरित्यादौ पर्वतादिनिष्ठवह्न्यधिकरणताव्यक्तेर्धूमाभावाधिकरणावृत्तित्त्वेऽपि अयोगोलकनिष्ठवह्न्यधिकरणताव्यक्तेरतथात्वान्नातिव्याप्तिरित्याहुः ।
(२८) अन्ये तु हेतुतावच्छेदकसम्बन्धावच्छिन्नहेतुतावच्छेदकावच्छिन्नस्वाधिकरणता श्रयवृत्ति यन्निरवच्छिन्नाधिकरणत्वं तदवृत्तिनिरुक्त
desired to be mentioned the state of having the attribute which is substratum-hood in general determined by a particular attribute and determined by the relation which determines the state of being a reason, which (substratum-hood) exists in that individual thing which has the substratum-hood not determined by any feature, described by that which is qualified by early mentioned. The state of being absence of that which is to be established by the realtion attributive-ness or relation as the mentioned.
There is no fault of too wide application in the inference; 'it has smoke because of fire' etc. because though the substratumness of fire abinding in the mounrain, does not exist in the substuatum of absence of smote; the substuatum-ness of fire abinding in the hot ironball is not like that (exists in the substuatum of absence of smoke) this is said.
(28) Others say that the state of being substratum-hood determined by early mentioned relation and described by that which is qualified by early mentioned state of being absence of