सम्बन्धेन निरुक्तसाध्याभावत्वविशिष्टनिरूपित-निरुक्तसम्बन्धसंसर्गकनिरवच्छिन्नाऽधिकरणताऽऽश्रयवृत्तित्वसामान्याभावस्य विवक्षितत्वात् ।२४
by that which qualified by state of being said absence of that which is to be established by the relation one kind of self-someness described by occupancy (ādheyatā) determined by the relation which determines the state of being the reason and which (occupancy) is described by the substratumness of the reason determined by that which determines the state of being a reason is desired to be mentioned by the definition of vyāpti.24
24. HARITY foafedrala-Because absence in general is desired to
say. Here the occurrence which is determined by the relation which determines the state of being reason, and which (occurrence) is indicated by substratumness of reason and which is determined by the determinant feature which determines reasonness and the counter-positive-ness determined by the relation selfsomeness which has that occurrence as its adjunct and which (counter-positive-ness) exists in the occurrence which is indicated by the locus of the locusness which is not determined by any attribute and indicated by indicatorness which is determined by the relation which is determinant of counter-positive-ness belonging to sādhya in general, counter-positive-ness which of exists in the absence of sādhya, and determined by the relation of that which determines the state of being sādhya, and the state of having such a counterpositive-ness is the difference of vyāpti just as by relation of conjunction which has jar as it's adjunct, the jar exists on the ground, not clothness, therefore by this relation the absence of clothness is “kevalānvayi” (everywhere). Similarly the occurrence existing in namebility which (occurnce) is determined by selfsome