अभावीयविशेषणताविशेषेण साध्याऽभावाधिकरणत्वम् अभावसाध्यकस्थले च यथायथं समवायादिसम्बन्धेन साध्याभावाधिकरणत्वमुपादेय । साध्यभेदेन कार्यकारणभावभेदात् ।
(१३) न च तथापि घटाऽन्योन्याभाववान् पटत्वादित्यत्राऽन्योन्याभावसाध्यकस्थले घटत्वादिरूपे साध्याऽभावे न साध्यप्रतियोगित्वं, न वा समवायादिसम्बन्धस्तदवच्छेदकः तादात्म्यस्यैव
of the absence of that which is to be established is by the relation a particular qualifierness, belonging to absence, and in the inference where the negative entity is that which is to be established, there the state of being substratum of the absence of that which is to be established, should be taken by the relation inherence etc. as available, this is because the causeeffect relationship is different due to difference in that which is to be established.
(13) Even it should not be mentioned, that-there is a fault of too narrow application in the inference "this has the mutual absence of pot because of clothness" where the mutual absence is that which is to be established, where the absence of that which is to be established, is in the form of pot-ness, has no counterpositiveness of that which is to be established, and nor the inherence relation is determinant of that counter-positive-ness because the identity relation alone is determinant of that (counterpositive-ness). This is because the absence of the absolute absence is identical with counter-positive so the mutual absence of a pot is in the form of the absence which has conuter-positive-ness determined by the state of being absolute absence of mutual