प्रथमं लक्षणम्
समवायादिसम्बन्धावच्छिन्नप्रमे याद्यभावस्य कालिकादिसम्बन्धेन योऽभावः सोऽपि प्रमेयतया साध्यान्तर्गतस्तदीयप्रतियोगिताऽवच्छेदककालिकादिसम्बन्धेन साध्याऽभावाऽधिकरणे ज्ञानत्वादेर्वृत्तेरव्याप्तिवारणाय सामान्यपदोपादानम् ।
(११) साध्यसामान्यीयत्वञ्च यावत्साध्यनिरूपितत्वं स्वानिरूपकसाध्यकभिन्नत्वमिति यावत् । अस्यैकोक्तिमात्रपरतया गौरवस्यादोषत्वात् ,
(१२) अनुमितिकारणतावच्छेदके च भावसाध्यकस्थले
that which is to be established, by the relation inherence, subject-ness etc. and where knowledge-ness is the reason, because the absence by temporal relation, of the absence of knowable determined by the relation inherence etc. which determines the state of being that which is to be established, that also is in the form of knowable, so it is inculded in to that which is to be established, by the temporal relation which determines the counter-positive-ness of that, knowledge-ness exists in the substratum of the absence of that which is to be established.
___(11) In general means state of being described by all those to be established. The state of being different from that which belongs to that which is to be estalished, which is not indicator of that (counter-positive-ness). This is the concluded meaning. Due to the excellence of being expressed only by one utterance there is no fault of cumbersome-ness.
(12) And in the inference where that which is to be established, is a positive entity the state of being the substratum