अनुमाननिष्ठप्रामाण्यानुमितिहेत्वित्यनेन व्याप्तेरनुमानप्रामाण्योपपादकत्वकथनादनुमानप्रामाण्यनिरूपणानन्तरं व्याप्तिनिरूपणे उपोद्घात एव सङ्गतिः सूचिता । उपपादकत्वञ्च अत्र ज्ञापकत्वम् ।।
____ (२) केचित्तु-अनुमितिपदम् अनुमितिनिष्ठेतरभेदानुमितिपरम्,३ तथा चानुमितिनिष्ठेतरभेदानुमितौ यो हेतुः प्रागुक्तव्याप्तिप्रकारक
relevance in the form of introduction2 is indicated because of the statement the vyāpti brings out of the inference of the validity in inference. Here 'brings out' means 'brings out the knowledge(of validity of inference)
(2) Some of the logicians say the word “inferential knowledge' denotes the inferential knowledge of the difference from other things, in inferential knowledge”, therefore the meaning of the statment is the inferential knowledge of the difference from other things in the inferential knowledge which is a reason4 in the form of the state of being produced by the 2. उपोद्घात:-चिन्तां प्रकृतसिद्ध्यर्थामुपोद्घातं विदुर्बुधाः-Thinking for establishing
the thing; the discussion of which is started. 3. इतरभेदानुमिति:-The inferential knowledge of the difference from others.
The form of inferential knowledge is "the inferential knowledge is different from all other things because it is an instance of knowledge, which is different from recollection and which is produced by definite knowledge of concomitant reason existing in
the subject.” 4. अनुमितिहेतु-The reason in inferential cognition. The reason is “the
state of being produced by the knowledge of the concomitant reason existing in the subject, in this reason the concomitance is inclusive