श्रीमथुरानाथकृतं व्याप्तिपञ्चकरहस्यम् ।
(१) अनुमानप्रामाण्यं निरूप्य व्याप्तिस्वरूपनिरूपणमारभते-ननु इत्यादिना । अनुमितिहेतु इत्यस्य अनुमाननिष्ठप्रामाण्यानुमितिहेतु रित्यर्थः१, व्याप्तिज्ञान इत्यत्र च विषयत्वं सप्तम्यर्थः, तथा चानुमाननिष्ठप्रामाण्यानुमितिहेतुव्याप्तिज्ञानविषयीभूता व्याप्तिः का इत्यर्थः ।
Rahasya Commentary (1) Having discussed the validity of inference author starts the discussion about the nature of vyāpti by the expression 'but now the question is etc.' By the expression "cause of inferential knowledge” here it should be understood that cause of inferential knowledge of the validity of inferential knowledge1. And in the expression ‘in the knowledge of invariable concomitance' the meaning of locative case is the 'state of being object (visayatva विषयत्व), there fore, the meaning of the Gangesa's statement is that What is vyāpti, which is the object of the knowledge of vyāpti, which (knowledge) is the cause of inferential knowledge of validity in inference ? In the discussion of vyāpti after the discussion of validity of inference, the
1. अनुमाननिष्ठप्रामाण्यानुमिति:-The inferential knowledge of validity in the
inference. The form of inferential knowledge is "the inference is the means of valid knowledge, because it has the attribute which determines the state of being extraordinary cause of valid knowledge.