चतुर्थं लक्षणम्
व्यधिकरणत्वं बोध्यम् ।
___(जा.१६) व्यभिचारिणीति । एतद्वक्षत्ववान् कपिसंयोगाद् इत्यादावित्यर्थः । अभावद्वये इति । साध्याभावे हेत्वभावे चेत्यर्थः । अत्र च साध्याभावे प्रतियोगिवैयधिकरण्यं साध्यताघटकसम्बन्धेन प्रतियोगिनो यदधिकरणं तदवृत्तित्वं, तेन धूमाद्यभाववतोऽपि अयःपिण्डादेः कालिकसम्बन्धेन धूमादिमत्त्वेऽपि नातिव्याप्ति:६३ । हेत्वभावे प्रतियोगि
which has incomplete occurence, and fault of too narrow application in the valid reason which has complete occurence but sādhya of which has incomplete occurence.
(J.16) In the devious reason means-in the inference; 'this has tree-ness because of conjunction of monkey'. In both absences means in the absence of that which is to be established, and in the absence of reason. Here the nonexistence with counter-positive of it means non-existence in that which is to be the substratum of counter-positive by the relation which is determined by the state of being that which is to be established, therefore there is no fault of too wide application63 even though smoke exists in the hot-iron-ball by
63. Fifchifa:-No fault of too wide application. In the expression
"occurence in that which is not locus of counter-positive” the locusness of counter-positive if it is taken by only relation in general, there would be fault of over-extention in the inference such as "it has smoke because of fire.” When the locusness of counter-positive is mentioned by the relation of the determinant of 'sādhyatā’ there would not be fault of too wide application, counter-positive of the absence of smoke does not exist in hot-iron-ball by the relation