द्वितीयं लक्षणम्
साध्याभावस्य प्रवेशमादृत्य, अन्यथा तु व्याप्यवृत्तिसाध्यकेऽपि५० विशिष्टाभावादिकमादाय५१ दोषो बोध्यः । अव्याप्यवृत्तिसाध्यकेऽपि आकाशादिहेतावव्याप्त्यभावादाह २ सद्धेताविति । वृत्तिमद्धताविति तदर्थः । अव्याप्यवृत्तिसाध्यं यत्र तत्र सन् वर्तमानो यो हेतुस्तत्रेत्यर्थः, तेन
established by which from attribute and by which relation. Otherwise even in the inference, where the that which is to be established, is non-partially existent50, there is a fault taking in to account the absence of a qualified thing51 this should be known here. Author says “in the valid reason.” This is because there is no fault of too narrow application52 even in the inference where that which is to be established is a partialy existent and where ether etc. are reasons. In that reason, which abides something, this is the meaning of that expression. The partial existent that which is to be established is where, which reason exists there, in that reason, this is the meaning. Therefore even though there is no fault of too narrow application in the inference; "this has the absence of conjunction because this
50. व्याप्यवृत्तिसाध्यके-In the inference where sadhya has complete occurence
such as “this has substanece-ness because of earthness.” 51. fafretira-Qualified absence etc. absence of substanceness qualified
by water-ness, absence of absence of substance-ness and absence of
substance-ness by temporal relation. 52. 372|1614101G-Because of the fault of too narrow application. There is
no fault of too narrow application in the inference; "this has the conjuction of monkey because of ether” because ether does not exist anywhere, which is locus of the absence of the conjuction of monky which is the absence of sādhya.