प्रथमं लक्षणम्
प्रामाण्यसाधनं तत्कारणीभूतं यद्व्याप्राप्तिग्रहोपायप्रतिपादनं तन्निदानं व्याप्तिस्वरूपनिरूपणमित्यर्थः । व्याप्तिज्ञानं विना 'अयं व्याप्तग्रहोपाय' इति ज्ञातुमशक्यत्वाद्, व्याप्तेस्तत्र विशेषणत्वादिति४९ भावः ।
pervasion. The cause of which is the discussion of the method of grasping vyāpti, which is dependent upon discussion of the nature of vyāpti. Without the knowledge of vyāpti there would not be the knowledge of the method of grasping vyāpti. This is because vyāpti is qualifirer49 there (in the method of grasping vyāpti)
49. fastqucaia-Because of qualifiereness. In the method of knowledge of
unveriable concomitance the knowledge of concomitance is qualifier in vyāpti (concomitance) without is qualifier of the knowledge of vyāpti. Therefore without the knowledge of vyāpti there would not be the knowledge of the method of the knowledge of vyāpti, because the knowledge of qualifier is the cause of the knowledge of qualified thing.