दन्यस्मिन् धूमादेर्वृत्तावपि नाव्याप्ति: ४६, न वा वह्निमत्त्वावच्छिन्नप्रतियोगिताकात्यन्ताभावस्य स्वावच्छिन्नभिन्नभेदरूपस्य ४७ अधिकरणे
and which conuter- positive-ness which is described by state of mutual absence. Therefore there is no fault of too narrow application46 in the inference; "this has fire because of smoke', eventhough smoke exists in that thing which is different from that which has that which is to be established (that particular fire), not even there is fault of too narrow application, though in the mountain nor even though in the mountain etc. smoke exists which is the substratum of the absence which has the counter-positive-ness determined by the state of having fire which (absence) is in the form of difference from that which is different from that which is determined by that itself,47 there is
46. :-No fault of too narrow application. All locuses of fire are included into them which have sadhya. State of having the absence of counter-positive-ness which is determined by the state of having sadhya and which (counter-positive-ness) is determined by the relation of identity, does not exists there, therefore there is no fault of too narrow application.
47. स्वावच्छिन्नभिन्नभेदरूपस्य - The difference from that which has difference from that which is determined by that just as the difference from that which has difference from that which has jar is not difference from jar. Similarly the difference from that which has difference from that which has the absolute absence of that which has fire is not different from the absolute absence of that which has fire. Thus that absence also has the counter-positive-ness which is determined by the state of having sädhya. Hence the locus of that absence is mountain etc.,