Twelwe bhav. (true feelings) 1) Anitya.( nothing belongs to me.)
2) Asharan. (one must take help from dharma and from none other.)
3) Sansar. ( every thing in the world is momentary.) 4) Ekatva.( Atma only exist.) 5) Anyatwa.( no body can help me.) 6) Ashuchi.( World is full of dirt.) 7) Ashrav. (how does the actions get accumulated) 8) Samvar. (how to stop accumulation of your deeds.) 9) Nirjara. (how to get rid of the accumulated deeds.) 10) Lokswarup.( structure of universe.)
11) Bodhidurlabh.( fortunate to come across teaching of enlightened Guru.)
12) Dharmadurlabh.( know virtue of the true dharma.)
Eight drashti. 1) Mitra.- Like fire in the grass. 2) Tara. - Like fire in the coal. 3) Bala. - Like a fire in the wood. 4) Dipta. - Like a lighted lamp. 5) Sthira.- Lights like daimond. 6) Kanta.- Shining like stars. 7) Prabha.- Lights lik Sunrise. 8) Para. - Shine like moon giving peace,
These are the indications for purity of atma. One can visualize them.
Philosophy & Enlightenment