Satyatray mithya is in three states of existence - 1) Pratibhasika. Example to treat snake as rope, gold and ornaments etc. 2) Vyavaharic
3) Parmarthic
Nitya nitya is vastu vivek, rag, practice sadhna and have desire for mukti. (liberation).
Mukti is possible in this life, called jivan mukti and after life is videhi mukti or kevaladvaita.
Ramanujacharya believed advaita is vishishta dvaita. God is different from individual soul and Ramanujcharya believed in Saguna Brahman and jagat is real.
Shankaracharya is for gyana and Ramanujacharya is for bhakti, pushtimarg and sharnam.
Nimbakacharya believed in identity difference between one dvaita and another dvaita.
Madhavacharya believed Vishnu is ultimate. Difference is from jiva to jiva, jiva to jagat, jiva to God, from jagat to jagat and jagat to God.
Lastly Vallabhacharya believed in shuddha advaita and Bhagvat Puran..
Philosophy & Enlightenment