Jain Adhyatma Academy of North America (JAANA)
Dedicated to
Preserve, Propagate & Perpetuate Jain Adhyatma Dear Sadharmi Brother/Sister:
Jai Jinendra!
Jain Adhyatma Academy of North America (JAANA) is extremely delighted to present the set of three books "Satya Ki Shodh" by Dr. Hukamchand Bharill, "Kriya, Parinam Aur Abhipraya" by Pandit Abhaykumar Shashtri, & "Jain Praveshak" in your hands as a part of our ongoing Gyan Prabhavana to preserve, propagate and perpetuate Jain Adhyatma in North America.
Dr. Hukumchandji Bharill, does not need any introduction to the readers on Jainism. He has written 49 books of which a total of 3.6 million copies have been published in 8 different languages. He is one of the most revered speakers on Jainism in and outside India. Under his direction, Pandit Todarmal Smarak Trust, Jaipur, has produced over 200 pandits fully devoted to propagate Jainism.
Pandit Abhaykumar Shashtri has written his book in a very simplistic style. His use of easily understood day to day examples allow even a layperson to read with great interest and understand the basic principles of Jain Adhyatma.
Finally, JAANA is very proud to present the Jain Praveshak in English for our next generation, so that they also can understand the basic principles of Jain Adhyatma.
We are immensely indebted to the JAINA Executive Committee for allowing us to send a total of about 10,000 copies of this book to every Jain member family in North America and thereby tremendously encouraging us in our main activity of Gyan Prabhavana. If you need an additional copy of this book either in Hindi or in Gujarati, please feel free to contact us. We are very thankful for the donors (listed inside the book), and it is because of them that this project was made possible.
For information about the JAANA shibir, Gyan Prabhavana project, or for getting additional books as mentioned above, please contact Atul Khara at 972-424-4902 or 972-867-6535 or email:jainadhyatma@hotmail.com.
We are in constant need of funds to carry-out our Gyan Prabhavana project. If you would like to donate any amount, then please mail your tax-deductible donation to JAANA and mail at the address below.
601 W. Parker Rd, Suite 106 Plano, TX 75023 Tel: 972-424-4902/972-867-6535 Email: jainadhyatma@hotmail.com; Home Page: www.jainadhyatma.org