published works of Sakatayana. I shall reserve a fuller expression of my opinion for the second volume of this work, which I hope to publish before very long. In the mean time I may state as my confident belief that the merits of Sakatayaua will be acknowledged by all competent scholars.
This first edition may contain some mistakes which I am sorry to have overlooked, and the spelling of words, though correct, is not always uniform, but these defects I trust will be judged with indulgence, and not be allowed to detract from the general usefulness of the work.
I cannot finish this preface without expressing my regard and high esteem for M.R.Ry. T. N. Narasimhacharyar, one of the best grammarians I have met with in South India, and without acknowledging gratefully the valuable assistance he has rendered me in the publication of this volume.
MADRAS, 28th March, 1893.
શ્રી ભાગવતમાં
બીજા પુરાવા.
नित्यानुभूतनिजलाभनिवृत्ततृष्णा । श्रेयस्य तद्रचनयाचिरसुप्तबुद्धैः ॥ लोकस्य यो करुणयोभयमात्मलोक । माख्यान्नमो भगवते ऋषभाय तस्मै ॥ १ ॥
Aho! Shrutgyanam