These रेखाs from त्रिखण्डा to अष्टादशखण्डा go by specific names viz. शशिनी, शांतिनी, लक्ष्मणी, कामिनी, पुष्पिता, शुभा, शांता, आह्लादा, कुमुद्दा, शाश्वती, शांतिकी, विद्याशोष नका, नाहिनी, द्वीपिनी, सौम्या and ख्या ; these are the समचार त्रिखण्डा, समचारचतुष्खण्डा, समचार खण्डा etc. to समचार अष्टादशखण्डा देखाs. They are 16 in number. Over and above these gas in differents from 3 to 18 there are other fifteen Rs under each of them viz. fare to ear. They are as under (one and a quarter), (one and a half) art, प. दोनद्वय (one and three quarters ) चार, द्विगुण ( double) चार, सपाद द्विगुण (two and a quarter) चार, सार्धं द्वगुण (two and a half ) चार पादोनत्रय (two and three quarters ) चार, त्रय ( three times ) चार पदाधिक (three and a quarter) चार, सार्धन (three and a half ) चार पादोनचतुष्क (three and three quarters ) चार, चतुर्गुण (four times ) चर, सपादचतुष्क (four and a quarter ) चार, साधेचतुष्क (four and a half ) चार and पादोन पंचक (four and three quarters ) चार.
Thus the total number of as including an under each of these as comes upto 16 and 16 3s with 16 as under each make up 16 × 16 = 256s in all. This is only one way of arriving at the रेख S. These 256 s have specific names of their own. Their significance will be cleared up later on.
Now समचार in these 16 खण्डा रेखrs gives rise to a straight profile of the fat from its base or to its top below 84, though not vertical but slanting towards the central axis so far as its form goes. In its constructive aspect means that the 1s in each equal ; for example समचार in त्रिखण्डारखा has 8 कars in the lowest the same number of as in the most खण्ड.
are खण्ड,
higher up and also in the top
समचार in चतुष्खण्डांरेखा has 12 same number of s in the three So on.
कलाs of
8 x 1
Now सपादचार has its कलाs
so arranged that the number of
in the topmost खण्ड is one and a quarter times the number कला in the lowest खण्ड; for example त्रिऋण्डा-प्रचादचार has 8
in the central and 10 TS i. e.
in the bottom खण्ड, 9 कलाs
10 in the topmost as.
has in the topmost
one and a halt times the number is that it has in the west. ; for example the number of is 8 in the lowest, 10 in the middle and 12 i. c. 8 × 1 = 12 in the topmost s in त्रिखण्डा.
Is in the lowest खण्ड and the sis above it respectively and
Proceeding in this way पादोनपंचकचार in त्रिखण्डt has 8 कलाs the bottom खण्ड, 23 ears in the खण्ड higher up and 38 38 कलाs in the top खण्ड.
कलाs i. e.
8 x 4 =
Similarly in has 12
has 12
is in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and the 4th vs respectively. 's in the 1st r, 13 rs in the 2nd, 14 in the 3rd and 15 s (12 x 1= 15) in the 4th
समचार सपादचार