Riga1971-has 12 kars in the 1st aus, 27 Fars in the 2nd, 42 431s
in the 3rd and 57 ofs (12 X 43 = 57) in the 4th are ; and so ou for different is in different asta uplo 37637&st.
As has been pointed out above, anar diagrammatically represents a slanting straight line.
In are the curvature starts from the second ers (the first ais being a slauting straight line) and goes on increasing in acuteness as one proceeds from the second 3 to the third, from the third to the fourth and so on. It is the most acute in the top-most aus of
For facility of reference, tables showing the number of Förs in different ares of fequal to CIC, varying with 16 ans have been appended,
The subject of treat is very complicated. Only one aspect of its arrangement has been touched above; for other varietics of disposition of कला, चार etc., रेखार्णव and other works may be consulted with advantage.
If one were to glance at the names of ters, say only under one arrangement which has been observed in Tofagear, it cannot but strike him that as many as 256 als have got specifie names of their own. This very aspect cannot but be without some signification. It appears, the art of temple-building had reached its climax in the country at a certain stage in history.
As the worship of Brahma and the Sun used to be on the wane, the cult of Siya began to come into prominence. Eventually it threw into the background, all other cults, including Jainism and Buddhism and occupied the outstanding position in the whole of India.
It is well known that in about the middle of the first millenium after Christ, India had witnessed tremendous activity in temple-building and temples of S'iva especially came to be erected at that timc all over the country. Master builders of these temples were called upon to cope with a heavy strain on their energies; whereupon they had to devise various ways of reducing their trouble of instructing the builders by the adoption of a 8 like method. Some of these ways included the giving of names to different curvatures in the profile of a fat and also to fórs of different materials.
The far with its varying degree of acuteness in the different portions of its profile had specific naines assigned to it for this purpose, e. g. सरस्वतः or अशोका would at once convey to the builders that the profile had reference to द्विगुण चार in चतुर्दशखण्डारेखा or त्रिगुणचार in the same खण्डा profile (Vide Table No. 12 of tais).