Indian temples are classified ordinarily into eight principal varictics according to the 47 or Northern School of Hindu Architecture. There are various features that go to differentiate the one variety from the other. The consideration of tar (Profile of a fac or a spire) forins one differentiating feature out of the many referred to above. To grasp what iai signities, a description of all the technical details involved is essential. 91, 931, art, ars, 72, 7301, azi, filant, 19, 348, 31:11, 1998 etc. are some of the terms that require clarification.
In lian builders, it may be observed, though scantily equipped with appliances waich would be considered rough and crude in comparision with the up-to-date scientific appliances of the West were endowed with an inventive genius to work out their problems in their own peculiar way.
The question of er involves a method of setting out curves etc, in mid air alınost analogous to the graphic representation by means of co-ordinates and the subject assumes a very fascinating aspect from this point of view.
ST खण्ड
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घण्टा शिखर
The Profile of a spire (leer) above the principal 81914. A digit, a division, a part of a que. A piece, a uniforin (straight or curved) portion of a free wherein the curvature remains practically of the same degree of acuteness. A division, one that accompanies or is collaterally agreeing withs 481 in a certain ratio. The top of a start from which the farat emerges. A bend either towards thc central axis of a 119e or away from it. It may thus be concave or convex. A dome or vault for.ning a roof of a nate, 39 etc. That portion of the spire that rises above the tid and ends in the 371T09T, 31 etc. It is, so to say, tie 3601}s of a 91917. A peak, ordinarily it forms a secondary spire, ine falat being the principal one in a प्रासाद. A secondary spire like Ti. This is not a detached but is an engaged spire to the main farar. A longitudinal rounded top of a प्रासाद. According to one aspect, tar is divided into ass which may be as many as three to eighteen i. e. in all sixteen in number. The first is known as farci, the second as चतुष्खण्डा, the third पंचखण्ड rising successively to अष्टादशखण्ठा,
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