(meaning-of arta ), having its origin in that part of India, while alla owes its origin to 6T13; at similarly has come into existence in the west of भारत, वे सर in the north, कालिङ्ग in Kalinga country, while यामुन is spread everywhere, though, of course arising from the country watered by the gat. In course of tiine, these styles have not clung to the country of their origin but have spread promiscuously in different parts of India, though, in a generality of cases, their confinement to the place of their birth is very marked.
These styles, further, have their distinguishing ar as. Fitt is faa; sifat अधियः व्यन्तर and वेसर are वश्य: काल is a hybrid (mixed) and यामुन is cosmopolitan. How these fas are assigned to the different styles would remain a matter of surmise in the absence of authoritative pronouncement in works of arta and fare.
The 4-- The nature of the colour can be determined from the sia of the styles as different tas are characterized by the special colours adaptable to them; thus all, being fou, is white, gifàs, being
1, is red; similarly, 39-30 is yellowish, dat is green; so is flex, while यामुन has colour of all जातिs.
228 .
The forms of leaves of these styles are described in 47 228, vide verses 23 to 28 and also the rest - ain'acé, 973 aiši, tai išiad, atras #268i, afa79forth, Fifcai, 3i, 39, 4#b2+, etc.
IT, ala, que, etc., are not so important as the $25 (mouldings). As is well known, European Architecture has fillet, bead, cavetto, ovolo, torus, scotia, cyina (recta and reversa) etc. as different mouldings; in the same way, the different schools of Indian Architecture, (af71, afts, व्यन्तर, वेनर, कालि and यामुन according to अपराजितपृच्छा) have their distinguishings 2* (mouldings). These are 8 in number as under; Efs, #fot, 541H,
TFT, 6, 54110, SH and fast. Tuey resemble, roughly in form, the flower of 316plint, (al-jiw(2}-of 3 alié (hog) a closedbud () with internal filaments the vowel + letter the nails(5) of a tiger a pitcher(6), scissors(7), and thorns of ati and #13;(8) respectively. to differentiate onc style from another, the characteristic mouldings need be observed, as the special mouldingot नागर is व्यावत while that ot द्राविड 15 भगाचत्रक: in the same way, a st, 2:1, Trn and to have respectively fo, f , aafan and asia as their distinguishing mouldings. It will be quite
that the 217 moulding is far away in torm, from the ag moulding, and cannot be confounded with that of aac,