ATTTT, SAT and has
9191GITAIAH -Doorways of 18195 (of artars-3984164 9) :--
Measures of doorways of temples in different styles cf. Architecture have three varieties, viz. नागर, द्राविड and भूमिज,
(a) नागर doorways-प्रासाद of one हस्त begins with a doorway
of 16 års (in height). For every additional in the width of a Prāsada from 2 to 5.0Hs, there is an increase of 16 s, and then there is only an addition of 2 ages for 1181&s ranging from 6 to 50 cubits.
A Prāsāda of 1 ca has a doorway of 16 sigos.
Then graigs of 2 to 5 Erats have 32, 48, and 80° sus respectively for the height of doorways, and TAAS from 6 to 50 cubits in width have 82, 84, 86, 88... 164, 165, 168 and 170 siyos respectively for heights of doorways.
(b) afas de starts with a doorway of 10 308s in height for
a start of 1 cubit and has an increase of 10 siges each upto a fare of 6 cubits: the increase is then reduced to 5 ages for kies ranging in width from 7 to 10 cubits and eventually the increase in the doorway is reduced to úros for every additional tea of a temple upto 50 cubits.
sites for three of 6 and has ofway of 10
1. 1914 has a doorway of 10 sigys. 2 to 6 Thales have doorways of 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60
siyas respectively. 7 to 10 Turaids have doorways of 65, 70, 75 and 80
sipas respectively. and 11 to 50 manjares have doorways of 82,84, 86, 88...160
siges respectively. (c) agrarx and its doorway
Herc sales from 1 to 5 cubits in width have 12, 24, 36, 48 and 60 agos high doorways.
1918s of 6 and 7 cubits in width have 65 and 70 sijas high doorways.
steras of 8 and 9 cubits in width have 74 and 78 syos high doorways.
HiBies of 10 to 50 cubits in width liave 78, 80, 82 ......
160 gss high doorways. To make the comparison more clear: war of
have doorways in myös 1 EG
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