Writers of atma have not adhered, it appears, to these ans etc. with scrupulous care; a member (an ) which ought to go in elevation has been loosely applied to a member of the ground plan and vice versa., f, g,have, strictly speaking, reference only to the ground plan; while, af etc. are terms that are concerned with the elevation, and yet one finds their promiscuous use irrespective of their place in design and construction.
It is these as that go to give starlike projections to the external boundary of the plan. What would otherwise have presented a straight linear appearance in the bounding line, is converted into several zigzag projections, some going outwards aud others inwards, of the main external boundary though it may be pointed out that they are on a settled plan and with due regard to principles of light and shade.
According to the version of the
school, the Dravidian structures have the same fivefold forms of the ground plan. (Vide-a in वास्तुराज ).
अप. vi