Baqrifetare a. 112 feuing (379 or ) art antar arga.
It is clear from the above that the original home of the 71917 w.is अहिराज(छत्र) otherwise variously known as परिचक्र, चक्रांजर in Vedic texts etc.
परिचक ( Vedic name for महिछत्र )
gia đER ( Pāli ) atles, was the capital of Southern Páñchãla in ancient times, while fa was the name of the capital of Northern Panchāla.
It is not only referred to in the Mahābhārata and Puranās, but is also mentioned in older Brahmanas, such as शतपथब्र ह्मण, ऐतरेय ब्राह्मण, जातक and even the Vedic texts. The TTTYTIEM describes the exploits of kings of cialo and the innumerable gifts given by them to Brāhmaṇas.
At the very dawn of its history atala became a very important centre of Vedic religion and culture,
The Brahmaņas who had settled in different parts of gizio and were patronized by its kings were to be counted not by hundreds and thousands but by millions. (Vide par9999).
The Aitareya Brāhmaṇa, and Sãmkhyāyana Aranyakas introduce us to famous Vedic teachers पांचालाचंद.
The 1096 and Brazilafaqrefer to earn as the philosopher king of giao to whose court flocked many seekers of tru such great Brahmanas as 5c124 960 and his son asa 346079, fa, T270, चैकितयन दलभ्य anā प्रत्रहण जैवलि who were well versed in उद्गीथा or the significance of the mystic syllable.
glor the great Brāhmaṇa teacher of archery of the epic fame became according to Mahābhārata the king of उत्सरपांचाल.
Weber opines that a Fantas and the stars people through him took a leading part in fixing and arranging the texts of the ऋग्वेद, अहिछत्र was the capital of उत्तरपांचाल and कांपिल्य that of the दक्षिणपांचाल
Cunningham suggests that the great kingdom of ata13 as a whole extended from the Himalayas to the #T3 river. Scholars differ in identification of the capitals, but it has nothing to do with the present inquiry. Those who are interested in this matter are referred to Memoirs of the Archäological Survey of India No. 67.
The boundary of north war3 as suggested by Cunningham is more or less reconciled by the division of India -the Himalaya to the Vindhya laid down for the art division of Architecture, both by writers of the Northern as well as the Southern School of Architecture. The Brahmanas of aar found a good outlet for the display of their learning as occasion arose to move out in the South that is माया, गुजरात (बरनगर),