काठीआवाड and thence to the चालुक्य country and finally to the extreme South (द्राविड). Others extended their movements towards मगध, मिथिला, दरभंगा (Gateway of Bengal) and to the extreme cast of Bengal including Nadia (59270).
One would thus realize that these Brahmanas had spread over the whole of India from the extreme cast of Bengal on the east to Peshawar and beyond on the West and Sindh, Rajputana and Gujarat to the extreme South of India.
The cpigraphical evidence embodies in the majority of cases, the traditional beliefs of the people, which are often tiincs morc or less wide of the mark; if, therefore, the true location of an is the aim, one has to go to the original home of #19 viz. ea in the piano country, and thence to follow the chronological diffusion of those alaus in different parts of India. One of these parties headed by A591 in its halt at Vadnagar came into conflict with the Nagis who had overrun Vadnagar and saved the glass of the latter place from the tyranny of the invaders. The city of a3777 assuined a new name भानन्दनगर, The कदंब with मंऋण at their head then continued their soiourn to the south, carrying with them their forms of worship and things most dear to them.
True it is that eventually they came to occupy a tract of country known as geta (called anas)-the present Shikārpur Taluka of the modern Mysore; and brought with them their tutelary deity Ecal etc., but in view of the fact that there exists a very influential community known as altale even upto the present day, with its इष्टदेव हाटकेश्वर and conversant with नागरलिपि etc. and its नागरखण्ड(also Sagarz etc. ) of the , it would be going to the fag end if one were to accept 7117213 as occupying a territory, the people whereof have merged into the Tamil population in manners, speech etc.
Many scholars have discussed the place of an among the people of India. Sir H. Risley divides these people into seven classes, and it is the #alias division that includes the litis according to him. His conclusions are based on 4164179416 (Cephalic index), asfoaras 1 (Nasal index), and afectaraSANT (Orbito-nasal index); tut the science of anthropology ( afaqi ); had hardly reached a perfection for the deductions that he has arrived at. Its foundation is truly laid on the evolution theory (क्रमविशसवाद ) in which वंशानुक्रम ( heredity) and परिचर्वन (variation) play as important a part as affecla ( environment ).
Wissman and his followers lay stress on heredity. The germ plasm (apa) is not affected by any external circumstances in the opinion of many scientists.
G. Spiller lays stress on environment in moulding the essential characteristics of races.