@ia and frame, it may be pointed out, have an ulterior significance constructively as well as ritualistically. This latter aspect, regarding ritualistic processes, will be dealt with in detail later on.
The eastern facet of structures, both in plan and elevation, when truly set in direction, according to the rules laid down as shown above, gets a full and direct exposure to the field of action of solar rediation. As soon as the early dawn breaks, the eastern verandah is flooded, so to say, by the early invisible ultra-violet radiation which is the first in order to be felt; as the dawn advances into 391, BET and actual sunrise, the different luminous visiblc rays go on impinging that facet. They can thus be utilized as the exigencies of life demand, as towards sun. rise all the radiations from ultra-violet on the extreme northern end of the eastern facet to the whole range of visible radiations, ending in Infra-red on the extreme Southern end of the same have their full pay. It has been observed that ultra-violet radiation has received more attention than the visible and Infra-red radiation, owing to the fact that it produces fluorescence, photographic action and many known biolo. gical effects.
It is very significant in this phase of Indian thought that both the extremes of this eastern belt are denoted by T (N. E. portion) and BA (S. E. portion) the counterparts of, so to say, ultra-violet or violet and Red or Infra-red radiation of the Solar spectrum of the Western science. The very names and it and their individual 2 , which are given to these quarters from earliest times in the Indian History go to suggest that the phenomenon of refraction and diffraction (dispersion) were well known to Indian Aryans,
Indian architects were not slow in availing themselves of the co-operation of the priestly class wherever necessary. In order that structures may not be marred by the slightest deviation so far as their true East and West were concerned, the Fagfas had devised means wherewith the principle of orientation was rigidly maintained throughout the actual construction starting from the ara ( laying a foundation) right upto the extreme top.
It was for this security that they had requisitioned the aid of ritualism.
At every distinctive stage of a structure where the possibility of disturbance was foreseen, there were enjoined ritualistic ceremonials in order that they may serve as checks to the work of construction.
The following are the stages of construction:= 114. Verse 10-- (1) Placing of all and the stone covering it, (2) Fixing of door-ways on the basement, (3) Putting of qq6fysi, (4) Placing of 954, (5) Then op and (6) Tarsfor including (7) the alagga -- these are the seven stages where guatgofat are enjoined. Apart from the esoteric utility of the ceremonials involved, it was the practical usefulness that was availed of by architects. It