व्यवसाय अदिति दिति oza
वृषभध्वज आप = fait अपवत्स
उमा aan आदित्य सावित्र वेदमाता सवित = देवीगंगा faarata = Fey, legal, जयाभिध = वज्री
= 43917 Eft मित्र
हलधर, माली
महेश्वर fazat = & fafaa = 2aza 411, faaret, quar, q971847 =
teman danga*: etc.
Orientation-With the Hindus, orientation played a very important part in the scheme of their daily life, as to them the Sun was the giver of all life. Even, a witness had to face the East during the process of examination. (Vide: Institutes of Manu ). This love of orientation had permeated their ideas of design. The full significance of this aspect of the Hindu mind would be appreciated as the underlying theory is grasped.
The theory of the orientation of buildings, secular as well as ecclesiastical, as laid down by Indian designers of structures consists in setting them in plan in such a way that they may secure the maximum of benefit from the solar radiation automatically and irrespective of the fact whether occupants will it or not. Temples, living places, assembly halls, audicnce rooms and a host of structures to meet the needs of men of all grades, are, thus, so adjusted in plan as to secure an eastern frontage. The minutest rules are prescribed for the most advantageous setting of structures with this end in view. When once the site of premises is selected, the next step consists in tl tion of true East, for which elaborate rules are laid down and even as the construction progresses from the base upwards to the top, several independent checks are imposed with a view that no deviation could be made by workers, during different stages of construction so that the finished structure would have a truly eastern frontage.
with this
Fixation of cardinal points, thus, occupied a prominent place in the preliminary operations of building construction, just after the selection of site and before the actual construction starts,