The functions of the luminaries under such opposing influences can never be one and the same.
Wilkins (Hindu Mythology) says that in the Vedic literature 2707 was not represented chiefly as the god of the ocean ; rather Vedic hymns show him as one of the gods of light. This interpretation quite fits in the reading of the chart, as 4591 in the evening is the same as ad in the morning
u from a to cover, to encompass means atmosphere or the deity presiding over the atmosphere. This atmosphere is, thanks to the discoveries of Astral physics during the last fifty years, divided into several spheres on account of their varying physical characteristics. These divisions of the aerial envelope are roughly Troposphere, Tropopause. Stratosphere, Ozonosphere, Etherosphere etc. ; but several centuries before this discovery, the atmosphere over whieh au held its sway was divided into1: :, Far, #6, 47, ag, and Ural and the distinctive colours which they presented are summed up in the idea of axafea, cu 5 of 39{fəaqesi.
The rays, which each Allen of the so called atmosphere is capable of emitting, assume the following colours in order: (1) wima, (2) Furfaafade, (3) rate, (4) , (5) 99CM, (6) 296 and (7) सर्वरत्नाढय with ब्रह्मतेज: on the top.
The abbreviations in the chart represent the initial letters of the Vedic deities as under:
1. The deities on the Eastern periphery are
Names-sa, qat, 30a, 7. a, a, 77, 27610, epfia, 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2. Deities on the Southern periphery, Names-qa, faag, maa, 4, 1727, ENUT, 19,
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 3. Deities on the Western peripheryNames-foar, afre, gaila, 7472, 454, gt, a, araneh, to,
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 4. Deities on the Northern peripheryNames-eth, JEU, ale, ar, tan affa, fala,
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 5. Internal deities Names-3119, 811947, hl, alan, afall,
33 34 35 36 37 Names-qutat, h, acak,
38 39 40