TTE, arta etc, are technical terms referring to the diurnal course of the Sun, long before its rise on the horizon in the east to Sunset in the West.
Whion the Sun appears on the horizon in the morning (4:48), he is accompanied by seven deities (including himself). What are described as seven steeds are nothing but seven rays-afta,
alia from to take away, extract, (Vide fagie of ET ).
Pandit Gangaprasad MA., M. R. A.S., Retired Chief Judge Tehri State has discussed this question of steeds at some length in his asqaladia. (I. 50,8,9.)
As the Sun has risen above the horizon and advanced a few degrees in its ouward march towards the meridian i. e. in the $98. the functional duties of the seven deities have come to an end and they have to retire in favour of five (©) or three deities among whom 37 occupies the presidential chair.
The portfolios of the seven deities of the artifs are reshuffled among the new members of the संगवकाल-अर्यमन् with आप and आपवत्स on the North and af and afas on the South. The Sun's further course towards the meridian terininates the duties of and his colleagues and war steps in to direct and control the heavens in the heart. It is not to be supposed that several other deities on the Southern and the Northern sides as shown on the chart are not functioning at all, all the while. The Sun being the central figure during the day is the sovereign lord domineering over all other deities.
The reverse process takes place during the 49713 course of the Sun, 4 then hands over his charge to three or fiye (?) deities of the 37776-namely fha and his colleagues 67 and 4574 on the North and and 3 on the South. The distinctive functional effects of these luminous bodies are different from those of wha and his colleagues though light and heat aspects remain unaffected. It is only in the
& course of the sun that these five deities retire in favour of seven ones wherein 75 occupies the place which at had to do in the morning. 16 thus is a ray aspect of the Sun. The functions of the seven deities of the evening are different from those of the morning members. 9 in the morning has agt as his evening counterpart, so also I and I have 7 (Saturn) and are and so on for the right hand colleagues of, 961. It will be apparent that the functions of the evening deities are evidently not the same as those of the morning ones. The reason is evident. As the Sun advances from sunrise to midday, his course in the first quadrant is marked by gradually increasing temperature and decreasing atmospheric humidity. In the same way his career from the meridian towards the horizon on the West or his progress in the second quadrant is characterized by diminishing temperature combined with increasing humidity.
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