कराली धुमिनी श्वेता लोहिता नीललोहिता सुवर्णा पारागा इति विभावसोः सप्तजिह्वा नामानि पीना श्वेता अक्षणा कृष्णा धूम्ना तीक्ष्णा स्फुलिंगिनी
ज्वलिनी आलिनी इति कुशानोः नवशक्तयः ।
Now to the portion corresponding to the visible spectrum of the Solar white light. •T, 4a, ... to 29 and 3 these seven correspond to the VIBGYOR (Western Science). It may be added that the Western Scientists have as yet no specific names except the colours ; while 7a, ou, etc. signify by themselves certain distinguishing properties besides the colour of the visible spectrum.
In Western science the visible spectrum of Solar white light consists of seven colours-VIBGYOR, as stated above. According to Indian Vastu Sastra the Vedic deities corresponding (in number only) to these are 574, 4534, ATE, F, 921, and 45. Their characteristic functions are described separately. They have reference to the radiant energy of the Sun. The seven horses of an are represented by these deities.
Indian sages have further seven more ads from a phonctic or acoustic consideration. They are: 925t (six), 360 (seven), 24969t (eight), zgat (ninc), aimi (ten), fazt (eleven) and anat (twelve) meters with 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 syllables in a quarter, asa galla गायत्र्युष्णिगनुष्टु बृहतीपंक्तित्रिष्टुजगत्योऽश्वाः युक्तः ॥ ( सूर्यसिद्धान्त ).
Here as one proceeds from 1971 to Fral, the number of syllables go on increasing just as the waye lengths of VIBGYOR go on increasing from. V to R. These seven horses of sy would be explained in terms of phonetics later on.
afsagara 93rd 257727 prescribes as many as 12 Ås (vital parts) in a TED (site of buildings) ; they are as under
(1) AB1A), (2) 217a, (3) 73, (4) farza, (5) Exftas(6) 47, (7) Aprelax, (8) Ágz, (9) f2, (10) afaraa, (11) gfage and (12) * (!).
These his in a arel (ground plan of buildings) indicate that the places marked therein should not be built upon, Tney go to determine that not only a certain percentage in the plan should remain unbuilt upon but they show where the open spaces should have their location, in the general scheme of the plan.
Further the theory of orientation of structures is nothing but the practical application of the general principle of area garrafarrg. The study of the latter principle will thus make the theory of orientation of buildings more clear. sed, gar, 34601, 9114: 497, lk,